Tingkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Strategis Anda

Pelajari cara membuat keputusan tepat dan memecahkan masalah secara kreatif di dunia nyata.

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Remaja

Kami membantu remaja mengasah keterampilan berpikir strategis dan sistematis melalui latihan analisis, pengambilan keputusan, dan pemecahan masalah kreatif untuk kesuksesan akademis dan profesional.

A close-up view of a strategic board game set on a light surface. The scene includes game pieces that resemble arrows and a board with a grid-like layout marked by letters and numbers. Colored pieces, mostly in blue, red, green, and yellow, are scattered around. The board has icons and symbols suggesting it might involve navigation or directional tasks.
A close-up view of a strategic board game set on a light surface. The scene includes game pieces that resemble arrows and a board with a grid-like layout marked by letters and numbers. Colored pieces, mostly in blue, red, green, and yellow, are scattered around. The board has icons and symbols suggesting it might involve navigation or directional tasks.
Program Berpikir Strategis
Kreativitas dan Inovasi

Dengan diskusi interaktif dan skenario dunia nyata, peserta akan belajar menghasilkan ide-ide inovatif dan mengomunikasikannya dengan jelas, mempersiapkan mereka untuk tantangan masa depan.

Layanan Kami

Tingkatkan keterampilan berpikir strategis dan sistematis untuk remaja melalui program interaktif kami.

Analisis Situasi

Peserta akan belajar menganalisis situasi dari berbagai sudut untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat.

Pemecahan Masalah

Program kami membantu peserta memecahkan masalah secara kreatif dan menghasilkan ide-ide inovatif.


Lihat momen berharga dari program pengembangan keterampilan kami.

A person is sitting behind a chessboard, focusing on the game. The chess pieces are prominently displayed in the foreground with a combination of black and white pieces. The individual appears to be contemplating the next move, hands clasped together in front of their face.
A person is sitting behind a chessboard, focusing on the game. The chess pieces are prominently displayed in the foreground with a combination of black and white pieces. The individual appears to be contemplating the next move, hands clasped together in front of their face.
A group of people participate in a collaborative brainstorming session. Yellow sticky notes are scattered across a blue table, each containing handwritten ideas or notes. Several hands are in motion, holding pens and sticky notes, indicating active participation. A bottle of water and a clear plastic cup are also on the table.
A group of people participate in a collaborative brainstorming session. Yellow sticky notes are scattered across a blue table, each containing handwritten ideas or notes. Several hands are in motion, holding pens and sticky notes, indicating active participation. A bottle of water and a clear plastic cup are also on the table.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Program ini sangat membantu saya dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir strategis dan kreatif. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Rina S.

A group of people engaged in a collaborative discussion by a whiteboard covered in colorful sticky notes. The participants appear to be focused and are gesturing towards the notes, indicating a brainstorming session or planning activity. Various notes have handwritten text, suggesting ideas or tasks.
A group of people engaged in a collaborative discussion by a whiteboard covered in colorful sticky notes. The participants appear to be focused and are gesturing towards the notes, indicating a brainstorming session or planning activity. Various notes have handwritten text, suggesting ideas or tasks.

Pelatihan ini mengajarkan saya cara menganalisis situasi dengan lebih baik dan membuat keputusan tepat.

Budi T.

Bold black text on a bright orange background reads 'I love the way you're thinking.' There is a small abstract graphic near the center of the image between the text sections.
Bold black text on a bright orange background reads 'I love the way you're thinking.' There is a small abstract graphic near the center of the image between the text sections.